We, Ryan and Kristen, make all of the pottery, from start to finish by hand. All of the pots are first thrown on the wheel. After a few days to a week they dry a bit until “leather hard.” We then trim them and attach handles if necessary and let them continue to slowly dry, covering and uncovering the pieces (for days) to prevent cracking. Once dry enough, we use an electric kiln to “bisque” fire the pottery to about 1900 degrees transforming the raw clay into a porous and brittle ceramic material that is then ready to glaze. Glaze is applied and the pots are loaded into a gas kiln that is fired for 9-10 hours until it reaches around 2300 degrees where the glazes melt. The kiln gets so hot we then wait 2 days until it’s cool enough to open. Finally, we wet sand all the pots to remove the rougher edges for a more cozy feel and to protect surfaces. package them up and ship them off to you!